Why do We Need to Learn Physics For Future
Why do We Need to Learn Physics For Future
foundation in physics in Malaysia

Physics is terrible, full of formulas that must be memorized, digits that must be calculated, and equations that make the brain tangled. Even studying physics is like drinking sea water, the more you drink, the thirstier you feel. Such is the picture of people’s minds today to physics. One form of education is that we as students are able to master the concept of natural phenomena. We as children of the nation certainly have high aspirations to discuss these natural phenomena. How to? Of course, by deepening our knowledge of physics.

After all, physics is now the basic science of today’s technology. Look around us, we will see all kinds of technology dominate human life today. From small to large, for example, a small cellphone, easy to carry everywhere, the watch we wear, etc. And that’s why we need to take a foundation in physics in Malaysia.

We cannot deny that, some people or even most people think that physics is very difficult. Physics is full of high-level mathematical formulas and calculations. So not everyone can learn physics well. As a result, physics is now considered the most feared subject. This situation is almost the same as the assumptions in mathematics and chemistry.

Physics equips students with the mathematical and analytical abilities needed for data interpretation and problem solving in the sciences, engineering, and medicine, as well as in economics, finance, management, law, and public policy.

The majority of modern technology is founded on physics, as are the tools and instruments used in scientific, technical, and medical study and development. Manufacturing technology is primarily dependent on physics. You can assist people by using physics. Doctors who don’t understand physics can be fatal. Without physics technology, medicine would be primitive. Students are prohibited from a number of well-respected and lucrative careers without qualified physics lecturers. Exam results for the SAT, MCAT, and GRE are better for physics majors. Physics majors had higher MCAT scores than bio or chemical majors.

Numerous career opportunities are opened to you by physics.

There are more options than in almost any other collegiate discipline, in fact. On the other side, not taking physics reduces your employment options. Without physics, it will be impossible for you to become an engineer or a doctor, it will be much more difficult for you to obtain employment as a teacher, your computer games won’t be fun, your animated movies won’t appear realistic, and your decisions on global warming will be less persuasive.

Both college and industry recruiters appreciate physics education.

Although there are fewer job listings specifically looking for physicists than, say, engineers, there is a larger and more robust job market for those with physics skills.

Because physics places a strong focus on quantitative, analytical, and “big picture” thinking, physicists are more likely than other technical experts to wind up in top management and policy positions. Physicists currently hold the positions of Energy Secretary and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, two of the top science-related positions in the US government.

A difficult subject is physics.

This is one thing that keeps many students away. But that is one of the strongest arguments for pursuing a physics degree!

Even expert physicists find college physics courses challenging because they call for us to understand the many ideas and skills that make physics training so crucial in a variety of professions.

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